Wednesday, February 29, 2012

[web-design] Finding the location of news articles


Hey guys,

Long time no write. I'm working on a project and I'd like to get a feel
for whether or not anyone here has ever done something like this before.
The project is basically plotting news on a Google Maps interface. The
idea here is that people can access this web site and instantly get a
visual indication of where news is happening just by looking at the globe.
So, for example, if something happens in the Middle East, there will be a
bunch of markers around that area. Or on Inauguration Day here in the
United States, then Washington D.C. will probably get most of the markers.

Anyway, the tough part here is extracting location information from news
information. No RSS feeds that I know of provide a location of where the
news happened. They cite locations within the body of the article, of
course, but this information isn't broken out to my knowledge into
something that's easily accessed.

Has anyone here ever dealt with something like this...finding news
information that can be accessed remotely (through RSS or another API) that
has specific location information regarding the content of the article, or
performed any processing on the article itself to attempt to parse out the
location of the event?


Steve - Web Developer, Small Government Patriot

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