I would like to add three buttons to my site - One to simulate using the shortcut key "ctrl +" (this key combination enlarges the entire browser screen by percentages each time it is tapped), one to simulate hitting the "ctrl -" (this key combination reduces the entire browser screen by percentages each time it is tapped), and one that would return the screen to "default" size (I am not sure what the keystroke combination is to accomplish this). I would want the "ctrl +" and the "ctrl -" to both increase or decrease the size each time it is tapped. Ideally, I would like to also be able to set this up so that a user's choice is stored so that when they return to the site, there size choice is still being used. Can this be done in html or some other way? I am building a site for a low vision audience and need to be able to add this if possible. I already have an option to enlarge the text on my site but doing it this way, things split onto new lines as the box widths are fixed. Using the shortcut keys works on the entire browser window and the site layout does not change other than that the browser shows pull-bars, which is fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using WordPress with an Ithemes Builder template . Site is located at http://kathyjf.com/Staging2/
Thank you,
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