Sunday, February 5, 2012

[Finding_Designs] File - List Rules


This post is automatically sent to the list twice a

Please review the rules and help us keep our list a fun

place to be.

E-mail lists are a collection of people with similar

interests. These groups
are generally fun and educational. This list is not for

those who do not have
the greater interest of our craft at heart - there are

other lists which would more more suitable for you.

Membership in this list is not a right, it is a

privilege that requires subscribers to behave in a

mature and sensible manner.

Should your actions prove to be irresponsible and

generate irrational controversy,personal attacks,

libelous statements or other outbreaks that interfere

with the interchange of ideas and mature debate on this

list or any other list, your subscription will be

terminated, either temporarily or permanently at the

discretion of the list moderators.

Here is some advice on being a reasonable participant

that will greatly enhance your enjoyment of this list:

1. Learn to use your email software correctly so that

you do not post back
to the list (check the TO before you send each message)

something that
should be a private message. There is nothing more

embarrassing and damaging
to your reputation than having some remark go to

hundreds of list members which
should have either been left unwritten or have been

confined to one person.

2. Learn to use the "drafts" function (available on most

mail readers).
Anytime you write something in a flash of emotion, first

place it in "drafts" and later reread it before sending

it to the list. In general, the
more upset you were when you wrote it, the more you

should hold back or ask someone else to read it before

sending it off to the list.

3. Remember that this list is MUCH more like a letter to

the editor column
of a newspaper or magazine than like a conversation,

except that there is an editor at most magazines and if

you say something libelous,
incredibly stupid, or offensive to most of the

readership, the editor may edit the copy or ask you to

change it. However, on these lists the moderators
do not moderate all messages, so unless you develop a

little self-discipline you might post messages that

create a very poor impression of you and ultimately get

you banned from the list permanently.

4. Something that is obviously funny to you may not be

funny to someone else.
Humor is often misinterpreted on an email list -

especially if the comment is extracted from the original

quote and pasted into a later
response. Use some indicator of humor as in <grn>, or

the smiley face on its side :-), or the abbreviation

ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) when
saying something sarcastic or humorous if you mean the

comment to be taken lightly. There are no subtle

language cues or facial expressions in a typed
So play NICE! and enjoy the list. If you don't, the mean

old list owners will
unsubscribe you and your days will be long and lonely

without us after you have made a permanent impression in

print for many to keep and repeat FOREVER<grn> :)
(see how the use of email "emoticons" aids the

assimilation of that last paragraph!).

Here are some additional conditions of a subscripton to

this list:

1. The copyright to all posts to this list remain with

the poster and are not to be forwarded without

permission of the original poster. NO EXCEPTIONS!

2. Be courteous to others on the list and be considerate

of their time. When
replying to a post, be sure the subject line is

appropriate, and only quote
what is necessary from the previous post. Use private

email if the post only applies to a few.

3. We ask that new members post a brief introduction.

Items might include
name, business name, years involved in embroidery or

sewing, location, other related interests, future plans,

club affiliations and other items of interest to our


4. Please refrain from discussing such hot topics as

religion, politics,
controversial world events on the list. This is a

world-wide list and opinions vary from country to


5. Advertising policy-Ad days are only on Monday! Please preface your subject line

with AD or something similar to indicate that the post

is an advertisement for sale items. Failure to comply

with this request may result in moderation or ultimately

termination of your subscription.

6. Last but certainly not least, illegal sharing of

designs is forbidden on this list and will result in

unsubscribe and banning of anyone who participates.
This group was formed to help you find the designs you

need. Please be considerate with your requests and

responses regarding designs.

Thank you for your interest in the Finding Designs Group

and have fun!

Heidi & Donna
Finding Designs owners/moderators

Recent Activity:
Important List Addresses:

Post message:
List owner:



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