wondering, if any one is sighted.
could test my application.
look through all my code, to make sure it is correct.
if not, then suggest code snippets.
and also if the logos are correct.
if correct, fine, if not, then point out to me what logos would look good.
also if the css looks good.
using html 5, and css 3.0.
maybe some one could e-mail me off list who has the time, so i can get
it right, before handing it up, as a part of my major project for my course.
double checking.
not doing it for me.
so if any one is interested.
using xampp, php my admin, my sql, and php to code and vallidate.
do i need a dialog box to ask if the user wants to delete the current
record in the forms.
i will then upload a zip file to send space and you can look at it.
if you need to take a while to look at it.
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