We took a mid July land/cruise trip. Weather was great. We flew into Fairbanks.
(SW Florida to Minneapolis, & then direct flight from Minneapolis to Fairbanks.)
I found that late June and early July were perfect, weather-wise and in every other way. We took the Princess Cruise Line out of Vancouver. They took one route North and coming back, South, they went another route and came through Glacier Bay, which you really don't want to miss. Princess was wonderful. They had a British Crew and an Italian Dining Staff, that really knew how to make you feel special. Not only was the food unbelievable and the service fantastic, but when we left the ship for a week to go further North to Anchorage, Nome, Kotzebue, etc., they kept our luggage on board for us and it was in our stateroom waiting for us when we re-boarded in Skagway. Wonderful trip. Round trip from Vancouver lets you take the entire cruise route in. Absolutely fantastic. But remember to bring enough money for all of the little side trips. That is the way to see Alaska. You won't be sorry.
Dianne, now in Boca Raton, FL
Event Coordinator, American Embroidery Conference
AEC Conference - April 24th - April 28th - 2013
Embassy Suites Hotel, West Palm Beach, Florida
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