Take a look at these methods:
bgStretcher jQuery Plugin Allows to Add Background Image to Page and
Proportionally Resize it to Fill Entire Window Area: http://www.ajaxblender
-------Original Message-------
From: theberdov
Date: 8/28/2012 10:56:05 AM
To: web-design@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [web-design] How to make an image fit monitor size
Good morning all,
I am not a web designer and have only rudimentary knowledge of HTML.
I have seen, primarily on photographers' web sites images that fit a screen
of any size, e.g. on a laptop, desktop, etc.
A good example is at http://interiorphotography.net/
In my case, I would like to position a square image on the right, have it
fill the entire height of the screen, and fit any screen.
Is there an HTML code that does this? I looked in the Help file of MS
Expression, Ver. 3, but did not find an appropriate topic, probably because
of wring terminology used.
Thank you!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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