Tuesday, February 28, 2012

[web-design] Form Labels


I am using a plugin for a contact form and need to add label elements for the 4 areas, Name, Email, Subject, and Message. To do this I understand that I need to add an id attribute to the form element and add a <label> and set its "for" attribute to the corresponding id. Can someone show me an example of the code I need to add and where to add it? I do not know how to tell if the areas already have ids and what type they are. Also is it correct that this code belongs in the php file which is listed below?

I am trying to validate this form to be accessible for people using screen-reading software. Here are the exact errors that I am getting when trying to validate -

For each of the four labels Name, Email, Subject, and Message show the following two errors -

"Orphaned Form Label: A form label is present, but it is not associated with any form <input>, <select>, or <textarea>".

"Error:Form label missing, A form <input>, <select>, or <textarea> does not have a corresponding label. Note labels are not required for hidden, image, submit, reset or button form elements.

I am not very familiar with forms and do not have a clue what I need to add to fix this. Hope someone can help.

Here is the code - Sorry for attaching such a lengthy file but I am not sure what, if anything, I could have chopped off.

* Plugin Name: ContactBuddy
* Plugin URI: http://pluginbuddy.com/free-wordpress-plugins/contactbuddy/
* Description: A plugin that allows you to add a simple contact form anywhere in your site.
* Version: 1.0.8
* Author: Skyler Moore
* Author URI: http://unconformedmind.com
* Installation:
* 1. Download and unzip the latest release zip file.
* 2. If you use the WordPress plugin uploader to install this plugin skip to step 4.
* 3. Upload the entire ContactBuddy directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
* 4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Administration.
* Usage:
* 1. Navigate to the ContactBuddy menu in the Wordpress Administration Panel.
* 2. Go to the ContactBuddy Settings and add your information.
* 3. Add to your site using widgets or the shortcode button.

if (!class_exists("contactbuddy")) {
class contactbuddy {
var $_version = '1.0.8';

var $_var = 'contactbuddy';
var $_name = 'ContactBuddy';
var $_timeformat = '%b %e, %Y, %l:%i%p'; // mysql time format
var $_timestamp = 'M j, Y, g:iA'; // php timestamp format

// Default constructor. This is run when the plugin first runs.
function contactbuddy() {
$this->_defaults['recipemail'] = get_option('admin_email');
$this->_defaults['subject'] = get_option('blogname');
$this->_defaults['recaptcha'] = '0';
$this->_defaults['defaultcss'] = 'on';
$this->_pluginPath = dirname( __FILE__ );
$this->_pluginRelativePath = ltrim( str_replace( '\\', '/', str_replace( rtrim( ABSPATH, '\\\/' ), '', $this->_pluginPath ) ), '\\\/' );
$this->_pluginURL = site_url() . '/' . $this->_pluginRelativePath;
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ) { $this->_pluginURL = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->_pluginURL ); }
$this->_selfLink = array_shift( explode( '?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) . '?page=' . $this->_var;

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/widget.php' );

if ( is_admin() ) { // Runs when an admin is in the dashboard.
require_once( $this->_pluginPath . '/classes/admin.php');
register_activation_hook( $this->_pluginPath, array( &$this, 'activate' ) ); // Run some code when plugin is activated in dashboard.
} else { // Runs when in non-dashboard parts of the site.
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'init_public') );
add_shortcode('contactbuddy', array( &$this, 'shortcode' ) );
add_action( $this->_var . '-widget', array( &$this, 'widget' ), 10, 2 ); // Add action to run widget function.

* alert()
* Displays a message to the user at the top of the page when in the dashboard.
* $message string Message you want to display to the user.
* $error boolean OPTIONAL! true indicates this alert is an error and displays as red. Default: false
* $error_code int OPTIONAL! Error code number to use in linking in the wiki for easy reference.
function alert( $message, $error = false, $error_code = '' ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="';
if ( $error == false ) {
echo 'updated fade';
} else {
echo 'error';
if ( $error_code != '' ) {
$message .= '<p><a href="http://ithemes.com/codex/page/' . $this->_name . ':_Error_Codes#' . $error_code . '" target="_new"><i>' . $this->_name . ' Error Code ' . $error_code . ' - Click for more details.</i></a></p>';
echo '"><p><strong>'.$message.'</strong></p></div>';

* activate()
* Run on plugin activation. Useful for setting up initial stuff.
function activate() {

* init_public()
* Run on on public pages (non-dashboard).
function init_public() {
require_once(dirname( __FILE__ ).'/classes/public.php');


function save() {
add_option($this->_var, $this->_options, '', 'no'); // 'No' prevents autoload if we wont always need the data loaded.
update_option($this->_var, $this->_options);
return true;

function load() {
$options = array_merge( $this->_defaults, (array)$this->_options );

if ( $options !== $this->_options ) {
// Defaults existed that werent already in the options so we need to update their settings to include some new options.
$this->_options = $options;

return true;

function shortcode() {
return $this->_insertCBform();

function widget() {
echo $this->_insertCBform();
function _insertCBform() {


if ( (isset($this->_options['defaultcss'])) && ($this->_options['defaultcss'] == 'off')) {
} else {
if ( !wp_style_is('contactbuddy_css') ) {
if ( $this->_options['defaultcss'] == 'on' ) {
$stylesheet = 'contactbuddy';
} else {
$stylesheet = 'contact-' . $this->_options['defaultcss'];
wp_enqueue_style('contactbuddy_css', $this->_pluginURL . '/css/' . $stylesheet . '.css');

$return = '';

if ( !empty($_POST[$this->_var . '-submit']) ) {
if ($this->_instance == $_POST[$this->_var . '-instancenum']) {

if( isset($this->_errors) ) {
$form['name'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-name'];
$form['email'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-email'];
$form['subject'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-subject'];
$form['message'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-message'];
if(in_array('name', $this->_errors)) { $cberror['name'] = 'fail'; }
if(in_array('email', $this->_errors)) { $cberror['email'] = 'fail'; }
if(in_array('subject', $this->_errors)) { $cberror['subject'] = 'fail'; }
if(in_array('message', $this->_errors)) { $cberror['message'] = 'fail'; }
if(in_array('recaptcha', $this->_errors)) { $cberror['recaptcha'] = 'fail'; }
if( isset($this->_success) ) {
$scsuccess['success'] = 'it works';

$return .= '<a name="' . $this->_var . '-' . $this->_instance . '"></a>';
$return .= '<form method="post" action="#' . $this->_var . '-' . $this->_instance . '" class="contactbuddy-form" id="contactbuddy-' . $this->_instance . '">';
$return .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->_var . '-instancenum" value="' . $this->_instance . '" />';
$return .= '<ul>';
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-name-label"><label>Name: </label>';
if(isset($cberror['name'])) { $return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>required</strong></span>'; }
$return .= '</li>';
if (isset($form['name'])){ $name = $form['name'];} else { $name = ''; }
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-name-input"><input type="text" class="cbfit" name="' . $this->_var . '-name" value="' . $name . '" /></li>';

$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-email-label"><label>Email: </label>';
if(isset($cberror['email'])) { $return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>required</strong></span>'; }
$return .= '</li>';
if (isset($form['email'])){ $email = $form['email'];} else { $email = ''; }
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-email-input"><input type="text" class="cbfit" name="' . $this->_var . '-email" value="' . $email . '" /></li>';

$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-subject-label"><label>Subject: </label>';
if(isset($cberror['subject'])) { $return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>required</strong></span>'; }
$return .= '</li>';
if (isset($form['subject'])){ $subject = $form['subject'];} else { $subject = '';}
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-subject-input"><input type="text" class="cbfit" name="' . $this->_var . '-subject" value="' . $subject . '" /></li>';

$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-message-label"><label>Message: </label>';
if(isset($cberror['message'])) { $return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>required</strong></span>'; }
$return .= '</li>';
if (isset($form['message'])){ $message = $form['message'];} else { $message = ''; }
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-message-input"><textarea class="cbfit" name="' . $this->_var . '-message" rows="8">' . $message . '</textarea></li>';

if($this->_options['recaptcha'] == '1'){
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-recaptcha-label"><label>reCAPTCHA: </label>';
if(isset($cberror['recaptcha'])) { $return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>required</strong></span>'; }
$return .= '</li>';
$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-recaptcha-input">';
$publickey = $this->_options['recaptcha-pubkey']; // public key from recaptcha.com
$return .= recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
$return .= '</li>';

$return .= '<li class="contactbuddy-submit"><input type="submit" name="' . $this->_var . '-submit" value="Submit" /></li>';
$return .= '</ul>';
$return .= '</form>';

if (isset($cberror)) {
$return .= '<span class="cberror"><strong>Please correct the above errors in order to send email.</strong></span>';
if (isset($scsuccess)) {
$return .= '<div><p class="cbstatus">Email sent successfully.</p></div>';


return $return;
function _sendEntry() {

foreach( $_POST as $key => $val) {
$pos = strpos( $key, $this->_var);
if(($pos !== false) && ($key != ($this->_var . '-submit'))) {
$label = str_replace($this->_var . '-', '', $key);
if ( empty($_POST[$key]) ) {
$this->_errors[] = $label;

if ($this->_options['recaptcha'] == '1') {
$privatekey = $this->_options['recaptcha-privkey']; // private key from recaptcha.com
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"],$_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
$this->_errors[] = 'recaptcha';

if ( isset( $this->_errors ) ) {
// fail
} else {
// Get index for new entry by adding 1 to the largest index currently in the entries. Put in $newID
if ( is_array( $this->_options['entries'] ) && !empty( $this->_options['entries'] ) ) {
$newID = max( array_keys( $this->_options['entries'] ) ) + 1;
} else {
$newID = 0;

$this->_options['entries'][$newID]['name'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-name'];
$this->_options['entries'][$newID]['email'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-email'];
$this->_options['entries'][$newID]['subject'] = $subject = $_POST[$this->_var . '-subject'];
$this->_options['entries'][$newID]['message'] = $_POST[$this->_var . '-message'];


$to = $this->_options['recipemail'];
$subject = $this->_options['subject'] . ':' . $_POST[$this->_var . '-subject'];
$message = $_POST[$this->_var . '-message'];
$headers = 'From: ' . $_POST[$this->_var . '-name'] . ' <' . $_POST[$this->_var . '-email'] . '>' . "\r\n";

wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );

$_POST[$this->_var . '-name'] = '';
$_POST[$this->_var . '-email'] = '';
$_POST[$this->_var . '-subject'] = '';
$_POST[$this->_var . '-message'] = '';

$this->_success[] = 'success';

// PUBLIC DISPLAY OF MESSAGES ////////////////////////

function _showStatusMessage( $message ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>'.$message.'</strong></p></div>';
function _showErrorMessage( $message ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>'.$message.'</strong></p></div>';
function _cbStatusMessage( $message ) {
return '<div><p class="cbstatus">' . $message . '</p></div>';
function _cbErrorMessage( $message ) {
return '<span class="cberror"><strong>' . $message . '</strong></span>';

} // End class

$contactbuddy = new contactbuddy(); // Create instance
//require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/widget.php');

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