Kathy - I see it as u do-- mike
From: web-design@yahoogroups.com [mailto:web-design@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Kathy
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 1:56 PM
To: web-design@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [web-design] Feedback on my site Please!
I am building a site at http://kathyjf.com/Staging2/ and the person I am building it for is seeing it differently on her widescreen laptop than how I see it on several other computers. I hope to verify that it is just her computer by having as many people as possible let me know how they see it. Here are the things to verify -
navigation items should be all on one line
tag line " Disability & Accessibility Resources To Improve Your Bottom Line" should split so that " Disability & Accessibility Resources" should be on one line and the rest "To Improve Your Bottom Line" should be on a second line.
the copy "Business Solutions for All Your Disability Consulting and Training Needs" should split so that "Business Solutions for All Your Disability Consulting and" is on one line and "Training Needs" is on a second line
the footer information at the very bottom should appear all on one line.
I don't know what settings she may have changed on her computer to make this happen but I do want to verify with as many people as possible that they are seeing the same view of the site that I see on the few machines that I have viewed it on.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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