Hi Steve and everyone,
I appreciate all of the advice given to date more than I can say.
I'm back on this aspect of my project designing a web site for my friends with the hops farm. Temporarily they are willing to use the idea of directing sales to PayPal, but I'm sure they are going to start asking again about a way to allow clients to track order status, access inventory levels, etc. (I have no idea if this is a reasonable thing to allow customers to access... :) )
They periodically ask me if this is something they can manage on their own once it is set up. Apparently one friend does have some coding/programming knowledge. (I'm not sure how much.) Is this something they can manage from their end, in terms up updating their stock inventory levels, etc?
Since these are friends and I'm doing the entire project at a very LOW flat rate (and because I'm am learning as I go), I don't have the option of subbing the programming work out. Either I need to learn how to do this, or it isn't going to get done. Hoping I'm not taking on more than I can handle as I do this work as a second job!
I'm working with the tutorial on w3schools to learn javascript as a precursor to learning PHP, etc. (Joni, I also have one of the CSS books you recommended and am working through that as well.)
Thanks again,
--- In web-design@yahoogroups.com, Steve Adcock <steve@...> wrote:
> I don't think I need to re-state what Bas has already told you because it's
> a quite accurate description of what you're looking at here. I will only
> add that building a properly normalized database will make your job at
> creating the system and maintaining it much, much easier. A poor data model
> ALWAYS results in a poor application.
> You'll have several tables to think about here. You'll need to store the
> products themselves, along with basic biographical customer data. Then,
> you'll need a couple of tables in-between to hold the orders - I'm seeing
> something like a table that holds the basic order information (datetime,
> price, shipping method, status, trackingNum, etc), and another table to hold
> the specific items that were ordered (via reference to the product ID in the
> products table).
> As for inventory, you can approach this in a couple of different ways; the
> easiest is probably to just keep a 'num' column in the products table that
> you can increment and decrement as necessary - you'll just need to build the
> appropriate administrative interface so the client can update these numbers
> as necessary. As soon as an order is placed (and before it actually ships),
> I would definitely consider that to be the point where you'd decrement that
> number for the respective products ordered.
> As you get closer to actually building the database, follow up with us on
> the list if you need assistance with building it.
> Secondly, I'm doing work for my dodgeball league building a web-based
> registration system and credit card processing application - they happen to
> use GoDaddy, so I've been getting some experience with it. Honestly, it's
> fine for most cases; sure, if the store becomes big enough where you need
> dedicated resources, then perhaps looking at something like a VPS, DDS or
> fully dedicated hosting environment would be in order. But until then, save
> your monies and keep it with GoDaddy.
> --
> Steve - Web Developer, Small Government Patriot
> http://www.freedomsmarch.com
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:17 PM, shar_63 <sharonwerner@...> wrote:
> > Thanks so much. I guess I'll start studying PHP and SQL.
> >
> > The clients in question have already used Godaddy to purchase two domain
> > names, so that is where the site is currently hosted (until such time as it
> > can be transferred, if they choose to do so). I know most developers don't
> > recommend using Godaddy for anything elaborate (or sometimes for anything
> > at all!)
> >
> > Any thoughts on web hosts given this new scenario? I live across state (or
> > in a separate state) from any current clients, and won't necessarily
> > maintain the site once created.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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